Monday, March 16, 2015

Lower Elementary Newsletter - March 11, 2015


Dear RiverRun Families,

               The children have been working on their Authors’ Tea stories.  We hope to have the rough drafts completed by the time Laura Hamor, our guest author/illustrator, comes for her follow up visit on March 24th. 

               The children are continuing to learn about tectonic plates.  We discussed transform boundaries, plates sliding past each other, and convergent boundaries, plates moving or colliding toward each other.  The Second and Third Years were shown a work on the continental drift.  This work helps the children see what the continents looked like 200 million years ago, 135 million YA, 65 million YA, how they look today, and what they may look like in the future.  

               The First Years have had many follow up lessons on dynamic addition (making exchanges) and are encouraged to practice daily.

               I am looking forward to the upcoming Annual Montessori conference.  I am grateful to be given this opportunity. I always learn so much; ideas that I can bring into the classroom and to the RiverRun community.  

               Best Wishes for a wonderful four days off,

               Amy and Rachel



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