Monday, November 25, 2013

Upper Elementary Newsletter - November 22, 2013

November 22, 2013


Dear Families:

I’m starting this Friday letter at 12:20PM so I’m going to begin with the most important details and see how far I can get before the pizza arrives.  Other items of interest can wait for another Friday letter!

We are planning a trip to the library next week on Tuesday.  Several of the children have bus passes, but those who do not will need $3.00.  Our next genre is fairy tales, or maybe it’s folk tales.  I can’t remember, and I don’t want to take the time to look it up.

Our letters to soldiers serving in Afghanistan are coming along.  The soldiers are really going to appreciate the time the children have spent generating lengthy and thoughtful letters.  We have also received some items for our gift package.  We asked to have items donated by December 1, but we’re changing that date to December 4.  I’ll send the list along again with this letter for those who choose to contribute.

We have made progress on our skit “Who Really Discovered America?”  We made patterns of the continents out of newspaper.  We learned how to make the continents to scale.  Our queen size sheet is much bigger than our 6”by 10” paper map so we had to create our patterns to scale.  Once we have all of the patterns taped to our sheet, we’ll trace around the patterns.  Then we can add details, like islands, and we can paint the land masses.  We might add a few artistic details too!  We also finished changing the words to our songs for the skit, and we’re almost ready to share them with the lower elementary children so that we can begin to practice for the community gathering on December 12.   

We have decided as a class community to add several new elements to our Friday centering time.  On Friday morning we will light a candle and then share a meaningful poem or quote.  We’ll acknowledge one another for individual acts of kindness, compassion, or support received from one another or noticed about one another.  We may mention our gifts and drags(what is going well and what is not going well).  We’ll close the meeting by blowing out the candle and then passing it to each person to say a one-word gift to the group.

Student assessments will go home in the student folders on Tuesday, November 26.

Debbie & Sleuths


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