Saturday, January 19, 2013

Upper Elementay Friday Newsletter- January 18, 2013

January 18, 2013

Dear Families:

When we said our letter would be continued last week, we certainly didn’t mean we’d be finishing it up this Friday!   Where did the week go?

We wanted to include some details about our physical education, music and art classes.   For physical education we’ve been enjoying Yoga with Michele as our instructor.  Yoga is a relaxing and fun activity.

We also had the opportunity to learn a variety of basketball drills.  Jennifer, Noah’s mom, came to school and taught us drills to improve our dribbling and passing.  We were fortunate to get the lesson in before the weather got colder and the snow arrived.  We’ll practice some more when the springtime arrives.  We thank Jennifer for taking time out of her schedule to show us valuable basketball skills.

Our music class got off to a great start last Friday.  Our new music teacher, Diana, had us up and moving to the beat as we clapped out the notes of each measurement.  Diana is going to teach us a lot about music from different periods of time, and how to read music.  We know what a time signature is now. We’re glad she has joined the RiverRun community. 

We’ll be sure to get back to our art projects next week.  We know we’re going to take part in the Silver Graphics Fund Raiser again this year, and we are all striving to have works of art to choose from.  This month we are looking at the illustrations of Chris Van Allsburg.   Fatima, Hamza’s mom, has been bringing a collection of Van Allsburg’s books to our classroom for us to peruse.

We’re planning to begin work on a drama project.  We will be reading Shakespeare’s Macbeth.  We have set our goal to perform an abridged version of the play for you this winter.  We’ll keep you posted on our progress.

Our final discussion this Friday was about Martin Luther King Jr. and his I Have A Dream Speech.  We worked with partners to find connections in the speech to what we have studied this year.  We found lots of connections, including some of our vocabulary words.  We’ll view the speech for the figurative language too.

Let freedom ring…..

Debbie & Crew









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