Monday, September 17, 2012

Seneca Falls 2-day Field Trip

Dear RIverRun Families,

On October 1st and 2nd, we are planning an overnight trip to Seneca Falls. We will spend these days learning about the beginning of the women’s rights movement and the Underground Railroad. Both Upper and Lower Elementary have been discussing women’s struggle to get the right to vote, and the children all know about Harriet Tubman. We are so fortunate to have these historic sites so close to us. 

A complete itinerary will be sent to you as we draw closer to the weekend, but the planning committee wanted you to know that we will meet together at 10:45 Monday morning. That will allow families the opportunity to drive to Seneca Falls on Monday morning if they choose to do so. It is a 3 ½ hour trip. As we have a large age range attending, please be aware that attendance is not mandatory for all of the venues. We will however, indicate what we feel will be most educationally beneficial for your child/ren based on age range. All of the experiences are part of the Upper Elementary curriculum. 

There will be a minimal fee for two of the venues. We are forwarding an e-mail from Teresa with information for accommodations. We’ve heard through the grapevine that several families are planning to camp, and several are staying at the Clarence Hotel to date.

We are aware that this is a cost above and beyond tuition. We would like everyone to have the opportunity to attend if they wish to do so and do not want anyone to be deterred from attending due to cost. RIverRun has set aside money to help with the cost of this trip for anyone who finds the cost of the trip a strain on their family’s finances. Please speak to Jennifer Hanson regarding this request.

We are hoping for two educational, enlightening and pleasant days in Seneca Falls.

The Program Committee
(Amy, Debbie, Jacqui, Nancy, and Teresa)

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