Saturday, December 8, 2012

Lower Elementary Friday Letter- November 30, 2012


Dear RiverRun Families,

                This week we finished lessons on the relationship between the Sun and Earth, including concepts such as time zones, the reason for seasons (Earth’s tilt), and how varying temperatures in the different climate zones affect life.  Your children should be able to tell you where the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn are on a globe and how the sun’s rays are perpendicular to these imaginary lines during the summer or winter solstices. They should also be able to tell you how the Earth does not lean into or away from the sun during the two equinoxes and that the Sun’s rays are perpendicular to the Equator at these times.     I want to thank Sean’s family for lending us some of their materials for us to use;  they are wonderful.

                The children have been working hard on all their math facts.  The Middles have been working with the Bead Frame and this week we started to use the Bead Frame for dynamic subtraction.   The Elders have been reading and discussing Wind in the Willows.  

For Writers’ Workshop we discussed a new rubric I will be using to assess the children’s next story.  The rubric focuses on good leading lines and punctuation, particularly capitalization and periods.  We discuss punctuation daily, so I am sure the children will work hard to edit their works. 

 Fall assessments are finished and in the children’s folders.  They have learned a lot over these past three months and I’m excited at their progress.  If you have any questions, please e-mail me and we can set up a time to talk.


Have a wonderful weekend,




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